An Riocht Athletic Club was founded in 1975.  It is a very successful senior and junior athletic club with athletes competing at all levels from domestic to international.  Our exceptional health and fitness club facilities are used by everyone from beginner to high performance athletes with top class coaches to guide you on your fitness journey.

Our Town Park is a vital facility for the entire community; it comprises a beautiful scenic walkway used daily by the community young and old.  Our 400m synthetic track is used for training and competitive track and field for the county and south west region.

Our wonderful facility is volunteer led by members of the local community.  Your contribution to our 50/50 draw will ensure that we can maintain and develop this excellent facility and achieve our goals and ambitions for the future development.  An Riocht Track, Health & Leisure and Town Park is a facility that all of Castleisland can be proud of and your support is much needed and appreciated.

50/50 DRAW

NEXT DRAW: Saturday 22 Mar

Remaining Time
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An Riocht AC and Town Park Committee

Crageens, Castleisland,

Your Support Makes a Real Difference.