Welcome to Killeevan Sarsfields (Sairsealaigh, Cill Laobhain) GAA Club Lotto 

Tá Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Chill Laobháin i croi lár ár bpobal. Killeevan Sarsfields GAA is at the heart of our community. We cater for boys and girls from 4 years of age right up to senior level. We organise and participate in every community centred venture. Everything we do helps to enrich the communities we serve. As a voluntary led organisation, it is our aim to continuously fill that role for our members, supporters and friends, with the help of you and any funding that we receive.

Níl peil gaelach an t-an rud a deanann muid. Football is not the only thing we do. Members of all ages can take part in Scór, links with other clubs provide a social outlet through regular trips and overnights annually. Tá an Ghaeilge lárnach in achan rud a deanann CLG Chill Laobháin. As a club we include Irish in all our activities and have received multiple National awards and recoginition for this. 

I gCill Laobháin, is é ár dtuairim go bhfuil Sport, agus sport foirne go haraithe, fíor thabhachtacht i bfhorbairt na ndaoine. We believe in Killeevan that sport, especially team sport, hugely important in peoples development. To that end we provide games and activities for everyone, boys, girls, men and women of all ages to promote a healthy lifestyle, respect and friendships that last a lifetime

Ár mbuíochas d'achan duine a imríonn ár gcrannchur. We thank everyone who play our lotto. Fundraising empowers our club, our teams and offers a sense of unity. It gives us that common goal to get behind and has helped us achieve the fantastic developments seen recently at Páirc na Sáirséalaigh. 

An príomh aidhm atá againn ná club rathúil a chruthú atá oscailte do gach uile duine! Our aim is to create a successful club that is open to all. That we play our part in promoting all GAA related activities in our parish and county and that we at all times leave our club in a better, stronger position for those who come after us.


Ní neart go cur le chéile

Lotto Jackpot is €14,200

NEXT DRAW: Sunday 26 Jan

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Killeevan Sarsfields

Guardhill, Lios Darach,

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